Saturday, June 1, 2013

And we're on!

Welcome to Chiang Mai Paleo!

We've been preparing for awhile, and now it is June 1 -- time to launch the site.

This site is an initiative of CrossFit Chiang Mai, and is intended as a community resource for people who are following the paleo/primal ancestral approach to health.

There are currently lots of variations of the paleo/primal approach to health and nutrition, which is fitting, given how much paleolithic diets varied based on geography, food availability and the seasons.  This site isn't about figuring out the "exact" or "correct" approach, but rather is very very practical in nature.

How can one live (and thrive!) in Chiang Mai (and Thailand and Asia for that matter), if you follow an approach to health based on an understanding of ancestral (paleolithic) nutrition?

How can you adapt the traditional rice-based Thai diet (and the increasing growth of processed food) to a health paleo approach? While a lot of Thai food is already good to go, there is very often wheat or sugar in it in surprising places.

We don't have all the answers, but the goal of this site is to share information and ideas based on our years of living in Chiang Mai, from how to make sure people don't put MSG in your food to where to source grass fed beef.

This is just the initial iteration of the site — we're going to be adding maps and locations of good stores and shops, among other things.

If you've got ideas and want to share them, please email us and let us know!

You can contact us at

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark!

    Great idea! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I'm still checkin' up on you guys and impressed with your progress.
    I'd be happy to offer any advice to those with questions.

    Let me know,
    Dr. Adam Friedman
    (Ometepe Island, Nicaragua)
