Wednesday, October 16, 2013


More on fermented foods.

Fermented vegetables are the answer to the question: How can I stock up on cheap, healthy raw vegetables that keep for weeks in the fridge, go well with anything, and don't require any preparation?

Kimchi is a good place to start. You can find small containers at grocery stores, but if you're serious, find a Korean restaurant and buy it in bulk.

At Full House Korean Restaurant near Nimmanhaemin (see the map in the next post), you can buy whole heads of kimchi cabbage for 100B/kg. They might even chop it up if you asked.

Here's what a kilo looks like.

I mostly eat kimchi as a side dish. But I also put it with beef in a bowl with hot water and call it soup. Or scramble it with eggs. Easy, healthy, delicious.

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