Sunday, July 21, 2013

Read your labels!

It is easy to get excited about finding new things in the supermarket in Chiang Mai.  We're going to highlight a few things we've found that look great at first, and then turn out to not really be what they seem.

While we all know that getting fresh coconut water is pretty easy (go to Kat Muang Mai, buy a bunch of fresh coconuts, and get handy with a machete), it would be nice if there were some easier ways to do it on the go.

So were were excited to see this in the cold drinks section of the supermarket in Chiang Mai, since we've seen this sort of product in the US at Whole Foods, but from other companies.

Our excitement didn't last long, however, as soon as we read the label.

2% sugar isn't a huge amount, but still it is there -- and isn't necessary to make it sweet .  And, if you can do math, you can figure out there is 28% missing in the ingredients list -- we assume that's just water to dilute the coconut water.

But, it isn't just in coconut water in bottles.  If you're buying it on the street, and not getting it from a fresh young coconut, be sure to ask, as sugar (น้ำตาล ) is almost always added to it to make it extra sweet!

1 comment:

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